Week 8 Status
Detailed Designs

Project Status

Updated Detailed Design Rationale

We spent the last week updating our detailed designs. The designs include both updated wireframes and a rationale behind the decisions we made.

Cognitive Walkthrough

We had members from another team take a look at our wireframes and let them piece together the flow and make comments on the design. Based on the feedback given, we made important changes to our wireframes in order to improve the design and usability of our application.

Detailed Design Rationale

Not only did we update our wireframes, but we also detailed specific rationales for why we made certain decisions. These included listing a description of the screen, tasks supported, affordances, and other notes that were worth mentioning. The listed factors were all an important part of making the specific design decisions we made.

Upcoming Tasks

Now that our prototype designs are virtually set, we will now begin actually coding the interface of our application. While many of us are not familiar with using Android code, we are all looking forward to actually making our designs a working reality.

Written by The Phat Plats on 27 March 2016