Week 3 Status
WAADing around

This week we sat down for a long three hour meeting to get everything done for both the case study and the project.


Contextual Inquiry

The contextual inquiry is probably what took the longest of all of the items on the to-do list. This involved creating the interactive design requirements document which included the System Concept Statement, Interview & Observation Notes, Work Roles, and Flow Diagram.


For the Interview & Observation Notes we interviewed four people. We asked them all sorts of questions about their interest in the environment, their proactivity, and much more!

Case Study

Work Activity Notes and WAAD

We finished the work activity notes and WAAD in class, so during the meeting we just went over them to make sure they fell in line for what we wanted to accomplish for the case study.


For the requirements we broke down six of our twelve work activity notes and wrote out requirements that summarized each activity note.

Written by The Phat Plats on 14 February 2016