Week 4 Status
WAADing around part 2: The WAADining

This week we sat down for a long two hour meeting to get everything done for both the case study and the project.



This week we created another WAAD but this time for our project. Things went a lot more smoothly, it was a lot easier to come up with notes after we had gone back and done a few more interview questions.

To facilitate the construction of the WAAD, Adam spent about 1 hour creating new interview questions. Chris, Gareth, Ben and Kyle spent about an hour conducting a second interview with their target users. After the interviews were complete, the team spent an hour in the team rooms organizing the work activity notes into a useful WAAD.


We also completed both the interactive design and usability requirements for our Interactive Design Requirements Specification document. To do this, we looked through the work activity diagram at the groupings of notes and pulled requirements from the information we found.

All five team members collaborated (remotely) for 2 hours to form requirements from the WAAD. # Future Endeavors In the forthcoming days we object to refine our current work roles and work role diagram and perform HTA for relevant and significant tasks.

Stay tuned.

Written by The Phat Plats on 21 February 2016